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Who made my clothes? | Raise sustainable awareness


Consumption is a part of our regular life. We continuously be a consumer that make desicions on every single thing for food, house ware or outfit day by day. Products are wrapped with logo, beautiful design and tag shipped from overseas that is hard to track the transparent manufacturing process. To be a highly concious consumer, we have responsibility to distinguish sustainable brands instead of be a potential supporter of sweat shop and environment killer.


That's why I am here.


誰製造我的衣服? | 關於提昇消費意識的議題


我們每天都在消費型態當中抉擇, 從食物,家居用品,服飾等, 可見消費儼然已成為人們生活的一部份。現今的商品不光是強調產品本身, 伴隨的附加價值還包含品牌,商品包裝及標籤。在生產外包的趨勢下, 製造商來自世界各國, 對於消費者的影響即是不容易察覺製造過程。作為一個高意識的消費者, 我們有責任辨別一個品牌背後是否是血汗工廠或環境殺手。



Cheng Chia Hsuan | A Taiwanese


2015-2016 | My MA life in UK, I’m doing Innovation, Design and Brand Management. I am lucky to have chance to go back to school again while have my annual break to reposition my further career. With new challenge and new life here I could get more/absorb more/breathe more.


2012-2015 | Was a merchandiser based in Taiwan before. I mainly help brands in Europe/S.A to source appropriate manufacturers for textile/home ware/apparel/injection molding machine in Asia. It is a position that needs massive communication and negotiation among clients and manufacturers.

鄭嘉萱 | 來自臺灣


2015-2016 | 於英國進修設計,創新及品牌管理研究所。在工作三年後重拾書本, 重新檢視與自己興趣相關的領域如何在未來工作內容中上色。目前正在挑戰和生活中得到衝擊並成長。


2012-2015 | 曾在多項產業中擔任過採購/國外業務, 為台灣的海島貿易打拼, 領域涵蓋家居/服飾/機械。在工作中需要大量的訊息溝通, 作為製造商與品牌的協調者。




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